The largest pain point of any charity, social enterprise, or good cause - fundraising. Most organisations and projects must live in fear not knowing if the team’s salaries and operating costs will be guaranteed for the year ahead. We can help.
Bid writing is hard.
Bid writing is an incredibly specialised academic and creative discipline, that requires time, energy, and commitment. Here at Ellipsis Funding Solutions, we have all of those things in abundance.
We are also skilled at identifying funding sources for our clients, covering core costs as well as projects. Whether you are looking for £50,000 or £10,000,000 we can match you with funding sources tailored to your needs to maximise your chances of success.
For full delivery option which includes: identifying funding, checking your systems for compliance and writing your application.
We are experienced enough to know what bids will bring the highest chances of success, and we will not put any organisation through a tender or bidding process if we feel the success rate will be lower.
“Charities and social enterprises need vital funds now more than ever. I have had the pleasure of working with amazing causes and projects over my career and want to expand my reach and help you too. Having gained substantial funds and success in the construction and aviation industries through successful bid writing, we want to extend our team’s reach to the charitable and voluntary sector too.”
- Yvonne RaleighEllipsis International Solutions CEO
How we help
Before you start:
Lots of funding applications fail because the charity applying does not have compliant systems in place. We will review your processes and procedures and ensure that the systems you have in place and the records you hold will be sufficient to ensure full compliance with the funding organisations requirements.
Full Delivery Package
We know funding identification and bid writing is time consuming and can drain valuable resources needed for other work! It takes many hours of careful consideration, planning, to put together a successful bid.
When handled by volunteers it can be difficult for organisations to delegate such a Herculean task and maintain control of bid quality, compliance and programme.
We can step in and using your information, systems and vision oversee, and complete, your entire application so you can concentrate on the amazing work you do supporting people.
Bespoke Bidding Workshops
We can provide a bespoke and cause specific online workshop for your organisation to write successful bids.
Our Workshop covers best practices, crafting your message, and what funding decision makers like to see.
Fundraising Partner
We can work with you to ensure your bid writing is sharpened, polished, and perfected.
We slot perfectly into your already existing bid writing or fundraising team, and work with you to create, review and proof compelling content with the best possible outcomes.
Preparation. Delivery. Funding.
Whatever stage your funding journey is at, we can help get you there in a way that’s right for you. Contact us to book an appointment today.
Establish & enable you to implement complaint processes and procedures for your Charity or Social Enterprise
Train your team to undertake your own funding application
Assist your team with undertaking funding applications
Review your funding applications prior to submission to identify non-conformances
Identify sources of funding and complete funding applications in full for your submission.