Ellipsis International Solutions are proud to work with some inspiring businesses and charities around the world. Through this we aim to support and encourage others to achieve their dreams and share our knowledge and experience to benefit them.
(Support and Empathy for people with Eating Disorders)
Ellipsis International Solutions Ltd are proud to be sponsoring Seed Eating Disorder Charity.
We are delighted that our success means that we are able to support the amazing work carried out by all of the team members at SEED.
If you would like to get involved, or want to know more about the charity, visit their website here:
Ellipsis Funding Solutions
Ellipsis Funding Solutions is a business focused on providing excellence in all aspects of Charity & Social Enterprise Funding Applications.
Ellipsis Funding Solutions is able to provide a full range of funding application services and also to assist in the development of fully compliant processes and procedures to ensure funding applications are successful.
If you want to learn more about what Ellipsis Funding Solutions do, visit their website here:
Nordisk Tillväxt
Ellipsis International Solutions are helping to promote the growth of Nordisk Tillväxt's operations in Northern Europe and support the delivery of major civil engineering schemes, through our expertise and long experience in both local and international infrastructure projects.
If you would like to know more about what Nordisk Tillväxt do, visit their website here: