ICE Mentoring &
STEM Services

We are committed to ensuring that children and young people can engage with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) throughout their school careers enabling them to make informed choices about their futures.

We can provide managed STEM challenges for classrooms, engineering careers talks, engineering project presentations and STEM assemblies.

Contact us to discuss your exact requirements


ICE & Staff Development

We can help you implement an ICE Training Scheme to enhance your trainee’s skills to their full potential. For ICE Trainees, Graduates, and Technician members we can offer mentoring and SCE support including review preparation with review reports and practice interviews.

We can also help reduce your reliance on external sources by offering training for bid staff and creating bespoke development plans for each individual, ensuring your staff remain your most valuable asset.


STEM for Schools

Engage your students and enhance your STEM provision with our bespoke resources, Engineering classroom visits and assemblies.

NVQ Mentoring

Providing mentoring for Degree level apprentices to ensure that they, and you, get the most from their training.